Saturday, January 21, 2012

cookin' in the crazy times

I'm not sure who all else might deal with this, but sports seasons? YIKES! MMH is on the basketball team of a small school nearby. You say, "Really? What's the problem?" Well, it seems that her practices change, weekly. And in that week the days are not the same. One day practice might be 3:30-5, and another day it might be 530-7. If you take into account church activities, co-ops, music lessons and choir, plus the 20 minute drive to/from practice you may start to realize my issues.

When do I cook? When do we eat? And if I'm conserving gas and money and don't go home in-between how do I handle this? On Mondays we might be gone for 6 hours from home. So I come home to a bare kitchen. On Wednesdays it's a bit easier, but Thursdays... YIKES!

And you say, "Crockpot?" But, three nights a week? And me eating Gluten Free? It does present some issues. One night we try to pack sandwiches or leftovers and eat in the church kitchen between practice and midweek programs. But Thursdays are the issue. Practice ends right before choir, or sometimes even after choir has started. That's the "fun" night... drop WeeOne at choir, pick up MMH at school, bring her to choir, I sit at church and grade papers, read a book, prep a lesson plan or visit with another mother, then WeeOne is out at 7:30, and MMH is done singing at 8, but they have a snack time, so really we don't leave till 8:20.

No, this isn't a whine. Rather, this is a request for meal ideas. Time saver ideas and perhaps recipes that are friendly to the Gluten-free eater in the family as well.

Now, on to this coming week's menu plan. Should all go well:

  • stir fry of some sort, we have loads of fresh veggies to use
  • roast... any good recipes?
  • potato rosemary soup (it got bumped from last week's schedule)
  • tortellini soup (that was tonight for the rest of the family)
  • pancakes/sausage
  • creamed tuna... yeah, I know. It was on the rotation two weeks ago. But, with my back out, cold weather and all it's just a comfort food.
  • creamed chicken on potatoes... I know, seems redundant. oh well. 
Creamed Chicken:
Serves 4
  • 4 lg. baking potatoes (bake in the manner you choose, I prefer foil wrapped in the oven, but will use the microwave if time dictates)
  • 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, chopped/cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 pepper, diced
  • 1/2 sweet onion, diced
  • olive oil... to saute veggies
  • 3-4 TBS. flour (I used GF flour for this recipe)
  • milk... 2+ cups
Make sure potatoes are baked. Chop the chicken, cook in olive oil in fry pan. (sometimes I use left over chicken from another meal, or ready cooked convenience chicken.) Add in veggies toward the end. Cook till softened. Stir in the flour, add milk. Cook till bubbly. Serve over potatoes which have been sliced open. Serve with a salad and some fruit. 

Tortellini Soup:
Serves 6-10 depending on appetites

2 large cans of Tomato Soup
Large container (or 2 small) of fresh/refrigerated cheese tortellini
Basil... several leaves
Spinach... if fresh several handfuls, if frozen thaw and drain and use several ounces

Cook and drain tortellini. Meanwhile mix up soup according to directions. Add in spinach, cook till it shrinks. Add in chopped basil  to taste, and tortellini. 

We serve with a baguette and fresh fruit. Today it was strawberries and blackberries. 

Happy Eating!

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